Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

Pokemon SoulSilver (U)(Xenophobia).nds

Lama g posting nih...
di antaranya sih,Pokemon SoulSilver (U)(Xenophobia).nds ini..
kalian sudah tau kan,apa itu nds ?
nah,game pokemon sudah di luncurkan dalam bentuk nds...
versi nya sih banyak,tetapi menurut ku yang paling bagus ya Pokemon SoulSilver ini...
kenapa ???
  1. kita bisa jalan-jalan bareng pokemon di posisi pertama kita...
  2. mendapatkan shiny gyarados !!!
  3. ada dua region,yang pertama Johto & Kanto...
  4. bisa dapat starter dari Gen I => Charmander / Squirtel / Bulbasaur
  5. bisa dapat starter dari Gen III => Torchick / Mudkip / Treecko
  6. bisa bertanding dengan Red (Ash in Movie) dan Blue (Gary in Movie)
  7. Saya hanya punya versi SoulSilver nya,wkwkwk
sebetulnya ada versi lain dari versi pokemon ini yaitu Pokemon HeartGold,tetapi karena aku ingin cepat-cepat mendapatkan Lugia,jadinya aku pilih versi SS...
oh iya,satu lagi...
saat memainkan Pokemon versi SS atau HG,akan selalu terjadi Black Screen atau Blank Screen setelah memasukan nama jika anda menggunakan No$GBA (aku pakai yang lama,nggak tau kalo yang baru)
Setelah searching di google dengan keyword seperti ini :
"How To Fix A Blank Screen On The Pokemon SoulSilver (U)(Xenophobia) ?" "[Bagaimana Cara Membetulkan Layar Hitam Di Pokemon SoulSilver (U)(Xenophobia) ?]"
Dan biasanya,kita akan diberi link menuju Youtube,dan di suruh mendownload emulator disitu,dan ternyata emulator itu bervirus !
Lalu,ada juga yang memberi kode action replay,sejenak kode tersebut berhasil,lalu saat bertarung dengan pokemon lain,akan terjadi freeze !
Lalu saya searching di google lagi dan saya menemukan bahwa kita hanya perlu mengganti emulatornya saja,maka saya menggunakan DeSmuME,ternyata masih hasilnya masih kurang memuaskan...
karena terkadang terjadi freeze di dalam game,maka saya harus rajin menyimpan permainan saya...
kalau anda berminta,silahkan download link nya di sini click here
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Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Task Manager Portable

Di saat UAS aku pengen posting nih...
makanya aku bakal kasih task manager portable,ni software penggunaanya gak terlalu penting sih...
soal nya ni software di guna in kalo gi di warnet, trus ada tulisannya "Disabled By Your Administrator"
silahkan di coba click here Read More

Jumat, 26 November 2010

Pepakura Viewer

Selain sibuk dengan tugas-tugas,aku juga lagi punya hobi baru...
bikin papercraft !!!
apa lagi yang bentuknya pokemon !! :DD
Pas habis aku download file nya,eh kok ada file *.pdf sama *.pdo..
kalau format pdf sih,aku tau...
kalau format pdo ???
nih aku kasih software biar bisa buka file pdo...
click here
kalau yang belum tau buka file pdf disini...
click here
atau kalau mau tau papercraft pokemon disini...
click here Read More

TuneUp Utilities™ 2011

Psting lagi ahh...
kali ini aku memposting TuneUp Utilities 2011...
nih software keren banget !
2010 aja belum selesai,sudah 2011...
ya udah,silahkan mencoba... click here Read More

Your Uninstaller! Pro 7.0.2010.30

Wah wah...
lama nih aku gak posting...
karena ada tugas-tugas dari guru-guru membuat ku gak bisa ngenet lama-lama...
kemarin aku udah posting Your Uninstaller...
tapi itu udah lama...
soal nya aku ngambil dari komputer ku...
nih,aku kasih yang baru...click here Read More

Kamis, 18 November 2010

YourUninstaller Pro

Ini untuk teman ku Galih,sory,baru di upload...
soale fd q di bawa sama tmen q..
ya udah nih,aku kasih,yang lain juga boleh download ;-)click here Read More

Jumat, 12 November 2010

Naruto Team 7 Vs One Piece Strawhat Crew

aku punya video keren nih...
dapet dari youtube...
udah lama sih,tapi kan masih keren kalo di liat...

Naruto Team 7 Vs One Piece Strawhat Crew Part 1

Naruto Team 7 Vs One Piece Strawhat Crew Part 2

Naruto Team 7 Vs One Piece Strawhat Crew Part 3

Naruto Team 7 Vs One Piece Strawhat Crew Part 4

Read More

Rabu, 10 November 2010

Ayo Test Seberapa Pengetahuanmu Tentang One Piece !!!

I Love One Piece !!!
Nih,aku kasih puzzle seberapa kamu tau tentang One Piece...
Coba Deh Read More

Legenda Kraken - Sang penguasa lautan

Mungkin tidak ada monster legendaris yang lebih mengerikan dibandingkan dengan Kraken, penguasa lautan yang membuat para pelaut bergidik ketakutan. Apa yang menarik dari legenda Kraken adalah adanya kemungkinan kalau legenda ini mungkin memang berdasarkan pada sesuatu yang nyata.

Kraken adalah seekor monster yang digambarkan sebagai makhluk raksasa yang berdiam di lautan wilayah Islandia dan Norwegia. Makhluk ini disebut sering menyerang kapal yang lewat dengan cara menggulungnya dengan tentakel raksasanya dan menariknya ke bawah.

Kata Kraken sendiri berasal dari Kata "Krake" dari bahasa Skandinavia yang artinya merujuk kepada hewan yang tidak sehat atau sesuatu yang aneh. Kata ini masih digunakan di dalam bahasa jerman modern untuk merujuk kepada Gurita.

Begitu populernya makhluk ini sampai-sampai ia sering disinggung di dalam film-film populer seperti Pirates of the Caribbean atau Clash of The Titans. Jika ada makhluk raksasa penguasa lautan, maka Krakenlah namanya.

Karakter Kraken
Kita mungkin mengira Kraken hanyalah sebuah bagian dari dongeng, namun sebenarnya tidak demikian. Sebutan Kraken pertama kali muncul dalam buku Systema Naturae yang ditulis Carolus Linnaeus pada tahun 1735.

Mr. Linnaeus adalah orang yang pertama kali mengklasifikasi makhluk hidup ke dalam golongan-golongannya. Dalam bukunya itu, ia mengklasifikasikan Kraken ke dalam golongan Chepalopoda dengan nama latin Microcosmus. Jadi, boleh dibilang kalau Kraken memiliki tempat di dalam sains modern.

Erik Ludvigsen Pontopiddan, Uskup Bergen yang juga seorang naturalis, pernah menulis di dalam bukunya Natural History of Norway yang terbit tahun 1752 kalau Kraken "tidak bisa disangkal, adalah monster laut terbesar yang pernah dikenal".

Menurut Pontopiddan, Kraken memiliki ukuran sebesar sebuah pulau yang terapung dan memiliki tentakel seperti bintang laut. Ia juga menyebutkan kalau makhluk ini bisa menggulung kapal yang lewat dengan tentakelnya dan menariknya ke dasar lautan. Namun, menurut Pontopiddan, bahaya terutama dari Kraken adalah riak air yang dashyat ketika ia menyelam ke dalam laut. Riak itu bisa menenggelamkan kapal yang ada di dekatnya.

Menariknya, selain menggambarkan Kraken sebagai makhluk yang berbahaya, Pontopiddan juga menulis mengenai sisi lain dari makhluk misterius ini. Ia menyebutkan kalau ikan-ikan di laut suka berada di dekat Kraken. Karena itu juga, para nelayan Norwegia yang mengetahui hal ini suka mengambil risiko untuk menangkap ikan dengan membawa kapalnya hingga berada tepat di atas Kraken.

Jika mereka pulang dengan membawa hasil tangkapan yang banyak, para penduduk desa tahu kalau para nelayan tersebut pastilah telah menangkap ikan tepat di atas Kraken.

Sejak lama, makhluk ini hanya dianggap sebagai bagian dari Mitologi kuno yang setara dengan sebuah dongeng. Namun ketika sisa-sisa bangkai monster ini terdampar di pantai Albaek, Denmark, Pada tahun 1853, para ilmuwan mulai menyadari kalau legenda mengenai Kraken mungkin memang berdasarkan pada sesuatu yang nyata, yaitu cumi-cumi raksasa (Giant Squid), cumi-cumi kolosal (Colossal Squid) atau Gurita raksasa (Giant Octopus).

Seberapa besarkan seekor cumi atau gurita bisa bertumbuh?

Benarkan mereka bisa menyerang sebuah kapal besar seperti yang digambarkan di film-film?

Penampakan Signifikan
Pada tahun 1801, Pierre Denys de Montfort yang menyelidiki subjek mengenai Kraken menemukan kalau di Kapel St.Thomas di St.Malo, Brittany, Perancis, ada sebuah lukisan yang menggambarkan seekor gurita raksasa sedang menyerang sebuah kapal dengan cara menggulungnya dengan tentakelnya. Insiden yang tergambar dalam lukisan tersebut ternyata berdasarkan pada peristiwa nyata.

Dikisahkan kalau kapal tersebut adalah kapal Norwegia yang sedang berada di lepas pantai Angola. Ketika mendapatkan serangan tak terduga tersebut, para pelaut di atas kapal lalu membuat sebuah kaul untuk St.Thomas yaitu jika mereka dapat terlepas dari bahaya ini, mereka akan melakukan perjalanan ziarah.

Para awak kapal kemudian mengambil kapak dan mulai melawan monster itu dengan memotong tentakel-tentakelnya. Monster itupun pergi. Sebagai pemenuhan atas kaul itu, para awak kemudian mengunjungi Kapel St.Thomas di Britanny dan menggantung lukisan itu sebagai ilustrasi atas peristiwa yang menimpa mereka.

Sayangnya, peristiwa yang menimpa para pelaut itu tidak diketahui persis tahun terjadinya. Namun, paling tidak, penyerangan monster raksasa terhadap sebuah kapal tidak bisa dibilang sebagai mitos semata.

Selain kisah lukisan di Kapel St.Thomas, Mr.Monfort juga menceritakan perjumpaan lain dengan makhluk serupa cumi atau gurita raksasa yang dialami oleh kapten Jean-Magnus Dens dari Denmark yang bertemu dengan makhluk itu juga di lepas pantai Angola. Makhluk raksasa itu menyerang kapal mereka dan bahkan berhasil membunuh tiga awaknya.

Para awak kapal yang lain tidak tinggal diam dan segera mengambil meriam dan menembakkannya ke monster itu berulang-ulang hingga ia menghilang ke dalam lautan.

Kapten Dens memperkirakan monster itu memiliki panjang 11 meter.

Kisah lain terjadi pada tanggal 30 November 1861. Ketika sedang berlayar di kepulauan Canary, para awak kapal Perancis, Alencton, menyaksikan seekor monster laut raksasa berenang tidak jauh dari kapal. Para pelaut segera menyiapkan peluru dan mortir yang kemudian ditembakkannya ke arah monster itu.

Monster yang ketakutan dengan segera berenang menjauh. Namun, kapal Alencton segera diarahkan untuk mengejarnya. Ketika mereka berhasil mendekatinya, garpu-garpu besi segera dihujamkan ke tubuh monster itu dan jaring segera dilemparkan. Ketika para awak mengangkat jaring itu, tubuh monster itu patah dan hancur yang kemudian segera jatuh ke dalam air dengan menyisakan hanya sebagian dari tentakelnya.

Ketika kapal itu mendarat dan tentakel itu diperlihatkan kepada komunitas ilmuwan, mereka sepakat kalau para awak kapal mungkin telah menyaksikan seekor cumi raksasa dengan panjang sekitar 8 meter.

Pada bulan Oktober 1873, seorang nelayan bernama Theophile Piccot dan anaknya berhasil menemukan tentakel cumi raksasa di Newfoundland. Setelah diukur, para peneliti menyimpulkan kalau hewan itu kemungkinan memiliki panjang hingga 11 meter.

Pada tahun 1924, Frank T.Bullen menerbitkan sebuah buku yang berjudul The Cruise of the Chacalot. Dalam buku ini, Bullen menceritakan sebuah kisah luar biasa yang disebut terjadi pada tahun 1875. Kisah ini membuat Kraken mendapatkan musuh abadinya, yaitu Paus Penyembur (Sperm Whale).

Menurut Bullen, pada tahun 1875 ia sedang berada di sebuah kapal yang sedang berlayar di selat Malaka. Ketika malam bulan purnama, ia melihat ada sebuah riakan besar di air.
"Ada gerakan besar di dalam laut saat purnama. Aku meraih teropong malam yang selalu siap di gantungannya. Aku melihat seekor paus penyembur besar sedang terlibat perang hebat dengan seekor cumi-cumi yang memiliki tubuh hampir sebesar paus itu. Kepala paus itu terlihat lincah seperti tangan saja layaknya. Paus itu terlihat sedang menggigit tentakel cumi itu dengan sistematis. Di samping kepalanya yang hitam, juga terlihat kepala cumi yang besar. Mengerikan, aku tidak pernah membayangkan ada cumi dengan kepala sebesar itu."
Mendengar kesaksian Bullen, kita mungkin tergoda untuk mengatakan kalau ia membesar-besarkan atau mungkin mengarangnya saja. Namun, pada Oktober 2009, komunitas ilmuwan menyadari kalau kisah yang diceritakan Bullen mungkin memang bukan sekedar cerita fiksi. Cumi raksasa memang bermusuhan dengan Paus Penyembur.

Di wilayah perairan di pulau Bonin di Jepang, para peneliti kelautan berhasil mendapatkan foto-foto langka yang memperlihatkan seekor paus penyembur sedang menyantap seekor cumi raksasa yang diperkirakan memiliki panjang 9 meter.

Dendam lama tidak pernah berakhir.

Giant Squid, Colossal Squid dan Giant Octopus
Sekarang, mari kita sedikit mengenal lebih jauh tiga teman raksasa kita yang mungkin telah memicu legenda Kraken. Saya akan mulai dari Giant Squid atau Cumi raksasa.

Giant Squid atau Cumi-cumi raksasa
Giant Squid atau cumi-cumi raksasa yang berasal dari genus Architeuthis ini memiliki 8 spesies dan diketahui bisa memiliki panjang hingga 13 meter bagi yang betina dan 10 meter untuk yang jantan. Ukuran ini dihitung dari sirip caudal hingga ujung tentakelnya. Namun, ukuran cumi ini bisa jadi lebih besar daripada yang diperkirakan.

Pada tahun 1880, potongan tentakel ditemukan di Selandia Baru dan diperkirakan merupakan milik dari cumi raksasa yang memiliki panjang 18 meter. Ukuran yang sangat luar biasa!

Ide kalau seekor cumi raksasa bisa menenggelamkan sebuah kapal mungkin terdengar mengada-ngada pada zaman ini. Namun, pada abad pertengahan, ukuran kapal tidak sebesar yang kita miliki sekarang. Contohnya, kapal Columbus yang bernama Pinta hanya memiliki panjang 18 meter. Sebuah cumi sepanjang 10-15 meter sudah bisa dipastikan dapat menyerang dan menenggelamkan kapal ini dengan mudah.

Perilaku giant Squid ini hampir tidak pernah dikenal sebelumnya hingga pada tahun 2004 ketika para ilmuwan Jepang berhasil mendapatkan 556 foto makhluk ini dalam keadaan hidup. Cumi-cumi tersebut terperangkap dalam sebuah jebakan yang dibuat. Ketika ia berhasil lolos, salah satu tentakelnya yang memiliki panjang 5,5 meter putus. Dari panjang ini, para ilmuwan tersebut memperkirakan kalau makhluk itu memiliki panjang 8 meter.

Colossal Squid atau Cumi Kolosal
Apabila kita mengira Cumi raksasa sudah memiliki ukuran yang luar biasa, maka, perkenalkan makhluk yang satu ini, Colossal Squid atau Cumi kolosal.

Makhluk ini memiliki nama latin Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni dan para ilmuwan percaya kalau makhluk ini bisa bertumbuh hingga paling tidak memiliki panjang 14 meter. Ini membuatnya menjadi hewan invertebrata terpanjang di dunia. Walaupun demikian, para ilmuwan tidak bisa memastikan hingga seberapa panjang hewan ini bisa bertumbuh.

Mengenai Colossal Squid, Dr.Steve O'Shea, ahli cumi dari Auckland University berkata:
"Sekarang kita tahu kalau makhluk ini memiliki ukuran yang lebih besar dibanding Giant Squid. Giant Squid bukan lagi cumi terbesar di luar sana. Sekarang kita memiliki sesuatu yang lebih besar. Bahkan bukan cuma sekedar besar, tetapi benar-benar jauh lebih besar."

Colossal Squid di foto di atas ditangkap di Laut Ross dan memiliki panjang mantel 2,5 meter. Ukuran ini termasuk luar biasa karena Giant Squid terbesar yang diketahui hanya memiliki panjang mantel 2,25 meter. Lagipula, Colossal Squid di atas dipercaya masih dapat bertambah panjang hingga mencapai ukuran yang jauh lebih besar.

Jika ada Kraken di luar sana, maka bisa dipastikan kalau Colossal Squid adalah tersangka paling utamanya.

Lalu, apa bedanya Giant Squid dan Colossal Squid?

Giant Squid hanya memiliki tentakel yang memiliki lubang penghisap dan gigi-gigi kecil, sedangkan Colossal Squid memiliki tentakel yang juga dilengkapi dengan kait yang tajam. Beberapa kait bahkan memiliki 3 ujung.

Selain dua jenis Cumi-cumi di atas, makhluk yang satu ini juga memiliki tentakel dan bisa bertumbuh dalam ukuran yang luar biasa, yaitu Giant Octopus.

Giant Octopus atau Gurita Raksasa
Giant Octopus atau gurita raksasa bisa bertumbuh hingga memiliki panjang 9 meter. Panjang ini cukup membuatnya menjadi monster yang ditakuti oleh para pelaut. Makhluk inilah yang dipercaya Monfort sebagai monster yang menyerang para pelaut Norwegia di lepas pantai Angola yang lukisannya tergantung di Kapel St.Thomas.

Bangkai ini terdampar di pantai St.Augustine, Florida tahun 1896. Dipercaya sebagai Giant Octopus

Pada masa kini, teori mengenai Cumi atau Gurita raksasa dianggap sebagai penjelasan yang paling masuk akal mengenai legenda Kraken.

Jika kita beranggapan kalau legenda Eropa yang mengatakan kalau Kraken memiliki ukuran sebesar sebuah pulau sebagai "membesar-besarkan", maka mungkin misteri Kraken memang sudah terpecahkan.

Tetapi, bagaimana kita bisa memastikannya?

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5 Makhluk Bumi yang Mungkin Mampu Hidup di Luar Angkasa

Pasti ada pertanyaan di dalam benak kita, "Apakah ada makhluk hidup di bumi ini yang mampu tinggal dan bertahan hidup di planet lain?" Jika kita berbicara soal manusia, mungkin tidak. Tetapi kalau makhluk yang lainnya mungkin saja. Lima makhluk bumi di bawah ini mungkin bisa untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut.

Untuk bertahan hidup, manusia selalu membutuhkan unsur-unsur pendukung kehidupan, seperti salah satu yang krusial, yaitu Oksigen. Namun, beberapa makhluk hidup yang ada di bumi ini ternyata memiliki karakteristik yang cukup unik dan ini memungkinkan mereka untuk hidup pada kondisi ekstrim di luar angkasa sana.

Jika melihat bentuknya, mungkin kita akan teringat dengan salah satu makhluk dalam film Alien. Namun, makhluk yang terlihat cukup mengerikan ini sebenarnya adalah makhluk bumi.

Makhluk ini sesungguhnya adalah seekor cacing yang hidup di lempengan es Metana, yang terdorong ke permukaan dari dasar laut di dekat pantai Mexico. Es Metana adalah sebuah gas Hidrat yang terbentuk secara alami pada tekanan tinggi dan temperatur rendah di dasar laut yang dalam.

Menurut para ahli dari Pennsylvania State University, penemuan cacing ini telah membangkitkan berbagai spekulasi mengenai kehidupan di luar angkasa.

Erin McMullin, salah satu peneliti yang turut menemukan cacing tersebut, berkata, "Sangat menyenangkan ketika kita sibuk berspekulasi mengenai kehidupan di planet lain, kita malah terus menemukan bentuk kehidupan baru yang sepertinya bukan berasal dari planet Bumi."

Lalu, jika kita memberikan sebuah tempat baru baginya di angkasa luar, dimanakah tempat yang cocok baginya? Jawabannya adalah Titan, salah satu bulan Saturnus.

Titan, terdapat lautan Metana yang berlapis-lapis. Jika kita menaruh cacing ini di Titan, ada kemungkinan ia dapat bertahan hidup dengan mendiami lapisan es tersebut.


Setelah melihat foto di bawah ini, mungkin kebanyakan dari kamu akan segera teringat dengan kata "beruang". Tidak salah memang, tetapi makhluk lucu ini bukan seekor beruang, ia bernama "Tardigrade". Karena kemiripannya dengan beruang, ia juga sering disebut dengan nama Beruang air.

Berbeda dengan beruang darat yang bertubuh besar, makhluk ini hanya memiliki panjang sekitar setengah milimeter. Ini membuatnya tidak terlihat oleh mata telanjang.
Tapi ingat, jangan kamu menilainya hanya dari sekedar ukurannya saja. Makhluk mikro ini termasuk salah satu makhluk hidup yang paling tangguh di muka Bumi ini.

Ia memiliki kemampuan lebih, yaitu bisa masuk ke dalam kondisi diam sempurna yang disebut "TUN". Dalam kondisi tersebut, makhluk ini bisa bertahan terhadap fluktuasi temperatur, bahkan yang paling ekstrim sekalipun.
Pada tahun 2008, beberapa ekor Tardigrade ikut dikirim ke luar angkasa, dan terbukti kalau mereka bahkan bisa bertahan di dalam ruang hampa udara. Jadi, jika kita melepasnya ke ruang angkasa, ada kemungkinan kalau makhluk ini bisa mengarunginya hingga menemukan tempat berdiam yang cocok baginya.


Makhluk ini hidup di tepi gunung api super panas jauh di dasar lautan. Dan ia memakan belerang yang dibawa oleh bakteri lokal.

Cacing raksasa ini bisa bertumbuh hingga sepanjang 2,1 meter dan bisa hidup 5 mil di bawah permukaan laut dalam kondisi tekanan yang ekstrim. Tubuh mereka didominasi oleh warna merah. Ini karena banyaknya nadi yang berisi darah di dalamnya.

Yang menarik dari cacing ini adalah kemampuannya bertahan terhadap panas yang ekstrim dan masih tetap bisa menerima kebutuhan hidup yang cukup.

Dimanakah tempat yang cocok baginya di luar angkasa? Makhluk ini mungkin bisa hidup di Venus, dimana terdapat sumber belerang yang luar biasa banyak disana.


Darah mengalir deras di Antartika. Apakah ada pembantaian hewan besar-besaran yang sedang berlangsung disana? Ternyata tidak! Unsur berwarna merah itu ternyata mikroba yang berdiam di dalam kumpulan air yang terjebak di bawah lapisan es.

Menurut majalah Nature, "Cairan ini telah terjebak di dalam glasier selama paling tidak 1,5 juta tahun lamanya. Di dalamnya, paling tidak terdapat 30 jenis bakteri yang masing-masingnya memiliki pergerakan kimia yang unik."

Menurut salah satu peneliti bernama Mikucki, mikroba ini menggunakan sulfat sebagai katalis dalam sebuah rantai reaksi yang kompleks dimana penerima elektron akhirnya adalah besi.
"Ini adalah contoh bagaimana sebuah ekosistem berhasil bertahan walaupun tertutupi oleh kegelapan dan es yang tebal. Life Finds a Way."

Dengan karakteristik ini, maka mikroba ini mungkin dapat hidup di Europa, salah satu bulan Jupiter yang memiliki lautan yang kaya akan zat besi di bawah lapisan esnya yang tebal.


D. Radiodurans adalah nama bakteri ini. Ia mampu bertahan dalam dosis radiasi seribu kali lebih kuat dibanding dosis yang dapat diterima manusia. Kemampuan ini didapatkannya karena sistem pemulihan DNA-nya yang unik.

Manusia yang menerima radiasi umumnya meninggal, karena partikel radioaktif tersebut menghancurkan DNA-nya. Akibatnya sistem regulasi di tubuh pun terhenti.

Namun, tidak dengan bakteri ini, secara menakjubkan ia mampu menyusun kembali DNA-nya yang telah hancur.

Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi ketika manusia mencoba untuk hidup di bulan atau Mars, adalah adanya radiasi yang cukup mematikan. Jika bakteri ini dilepas di angkasa, maka radiasi yang ada di sana tidak akan mampu mempengaruhi tubuhnya.

Jadi, jika suatu saat kita mungkin telah mampu menjelajahi angkasa luar beserta planet-planetnya, jangan heran kalau suatu hari kita bisa menemukan makhluk seperti ini di sana. Mungkin saja. Why not?

Sumber http://www.apakabardunia.com/post/tahukah-kamu/5-makhluk-bumi-yang-mungkin-mampu-hidup-di-luar-angkasa
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Banjir !!!! wkwkwkwk...

SMK 10 kena banjir...
padahal semua uda pulang,eh anak" RPL (aku juga loh... :-) ) di suruh bersih" lab...
sampe" kantor RPL kemasukan air...
katanya sih,udah dari kemarin,tapi g tau deh...
Habis bersih",eh pada foto"...
Pada ndeso semua tuh...
kayak ga pernah liat banjir aja (Aku juga sih... hihi...)
Walaupun capek",tapi enak...
bisa bersih" lab ( baca : maenan air )
hehehe.. Read More

Senin, 08 November 2010

Download Zoo Tycoon 2 Extinct Animals

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selamat mendownload...^^

nb : Game yang lainnya insya Allah menyusul... Read More

Sabtu, 06 November 2010

Tipe-Tipe Buah Setan Tipe Logia (One Piece)

Logia (自然系 [ロギア], Shizenkei [Rogia], literally translated as Nature System) is a type of Devil Fruit. It is characterized by giving its user the ability to turn into a natural element. Logia Devil Fruits are considered the most powerful of the three groups, as well as the rarest of the three types of Devil Fruit as a whole.

* 1 Effect
* 2 Strengths
* 3 Weaknesses
* 4 Other information
* 5 List of Known Logia Fruit
5.1 Filler
* 6 Trivia

Logia Devil Fruits allow a person to become a natural element, either in whole or in part. They are neither completely human nor element in their default state. They can also generate limitless quantities of their element, which can then be controlled as they please. They have also shown the ability to use properties of the element they can become, such as Crocodile's ability to suck the moisture out of anything. Logia users can also convert other elements into their element under the right conditions; Crocodile's moisture-draining power can reduce any object to dust, or Aokiji freezing water using his ice.
StrengthsEdit href= Edit
Logia users can transform themselves into elements and control or expand their element, but only if it comes from their transformed bodies.

Because Logia users can turn their entire body into their element, they are virtually impossible to harm by conventional means. Any attack will simply pass through their body, which depending on the type of element can even cause the attack to backfire on the attacker. A Logia user can be shattered, split, or otherwise be separated into multiple parts, sometimes down to the size of dust, and reform without injury.

In addition to their ability to become their element, Logia users can generate near-limitless amounts of their element and control it at their whim, giving them fearsome attack abilities; Crocodile's sandstorms, Portgas D. Ace's conflagrations, and Enel's thunderstorms are all examples of the devastation a Logia can bring about. Smoker's Logia fruit is an exception, being of a relatively benign element better suited for capturing criminals than causing destruction. They can also use their element in other ways related to their element. Crocodile's sand power can be used to absorb moisture, Enel's electricity could melt and reshape gold, Aokiji can freeze water, and Kizaru can travel over beams of light. Finally, a Logia user's power over the element they control seems to afford them immunity to effects related to that element; for example, Crocodile and Ace are completely unaffected by the desert heat, as they possess Logia powers related to dryness and heat, respectively.

A lesser-seen benefit of Logia Fruits is that, at least in certain cases, the user is capable of unassisted flight. This works in one of two ways. The user can either become their element, allowing them to fly by becoming light enough to move on the wind, or convert their lower body into their element, launching themselves like a rocket. Smoker and Crocodile have demonstrated this ability several times. Those with heavier Logia elements may be limited to the second method.

Despite the fearsome power of Logia users, they do have some weaknesses. Their ability to become their element has to be trained, and so an untrained Logia is still susceptible to attack. Sneak attacks are more likely to work, as the user won't be ready to avoid them. However, with training, most Logias learn to become their element by reflex, eliminating the ability to strike them by conventional means. Enel's ability was trained to the point that he could reflexively change form while asleep.

Logia abilities also tend to make the user somewhat overconfident, as they are unaccustomed to dodging attacks. Thus, if their advantage is neutralized by some means, they have to rely on their ability to dodge, a skill which they may or may not be proficient at. This is somewhat mitigated by the fact that most Logia users shown thus far are extremely tough, even when vulnerable.

Another way to harm a Logia is to exploit the element itself, using its properties to solidify the user and render them vulnerable to damage. For example, Enel, being made of electricity, was vulnerable to Luffy's rubber body despite his honed reflexes, since rubber is an insulator. Another example is Crocodile, who, being made of sand, can be struck if his body is dampened (either by getting him wet or striking with wet limbs), since the sand sticks together if wet.

In addition to solidifying the user's body, it is possible to use elemental weaknesses to a further extreme, completely neutralizing the element that makes up the user's body. Even though a Logia user can generate limitless amounts of their element, they cannot recover from blows that destroy their main "body", no matter what state it's in. This is first shown by Akainu, whose magma was able to smother Ace's Logia flames, causing him physical damage despite being a Logia.

A minor weakness is that Logia users can only control their elements when generated from themselves, and not if it is in another state of matter.

Finally, users of Busōshoku Haki can strike Logia users as if they were human; Silvers Rayleigh describes it as the ability to "capture substantial bodies." This is not infallible, however, as both Aokiji and Akainu have both been hit by Haki-enhanced attacks which should have killed them, yet reformed as normal. Akainu does mention that it is annoying to fight Haki users, though, suggesting that even though he was able to reform, it took some effort.
Other informationEdit href= Edit
All Logia Devil Fruit users are noted for their incredible destructive power.
Buh6173Added by Buh6173

Logia is the most powerful and the second rarest type of Devil Fruit. The only type of Devil Fruit that is rarer is the Mythical class of Zoans.

These Devil Fruits are not limited to the classical elements: fire, water, earth, and air, but include physical states like smoke and sand. There are two types: tangible (something a person could hold like sand or ice) and intangible (something that could not be held like smoke or fire). Logia Devil Fruits can also be divided into two other types, forms of matter (smoke, sand, ice, or lava) and forms of energy (electricity, fire, or light). The only known Logia that does not fit into the latter method of categorization is Blackbeard's darkness. It appears that Logia users transformed in intangible elements such as light can still be pushed (as demonstrated when an explosion blasted Kizaru).

However, amongst the Logia fruits there seems to be an order of superiority. Akainu's magma overpowered Ace's fire. This left Ace in a state in which no medical aid could possibly hope to save him. This is an example of the danger of placing an inferior Logia against a superior one. Something almost all Logia users seem to share (except for Marshall D. Teach), is they are not used to getting hit due to being so used to their virtual invincibility, and are visibly shaken when they are harmed, despite their resilience.

Many users of Logia fruits seem to have created their own form of personal transportation and use their abilities to power these devices. Among these are Ace's Striker, a small ship powered by his flame powers, Smoker's Blower Bike, a three wheeled bike powered by his smoke powers, Aokiji's Ao Chari, a bicycle which he uses to cross the sea, freezing a small line in the water to ride on and Enel's Ark: Maxim, a ship which uses gold as a conductor for Enel's electric ability to power the ship.
List of Known Logia Fruit

* Moku Moku no Mi (English Versions: Smoke-Smoke Fruit/Plume-Plume Fruit): Element of smoke.
* Mera Mera no Mi (English Versions: Flame-Flame Fruit/Flare-Flare Fruit): Element of fire.
* Suna Suna no Mi (English Versions: Sand-Sand Fruit): Element of sand.
* Goro Goro no Mi (English Versions: Rumble-Rumble Fruit): Element of electricity.
* Hie Hie no Mi (English Versions: Chilly-Chilly Fruit/Ice-Ice Fruit''): Element of ice.
* Yami Yami no Mi (English Versions: Dark-Dark Fruit): Element of darkness.
* Pika Pika no Mi (English Versions: Glint-Glint Fruit): Element of light.

FillerEdit href= Edit

* Toro Toro no Mi: Element of some unknown liquid. (Movie 2)
* Ame Ame no Mi: Element of semi-liquid and liquid candy syrup. (Movie 4)
* Pasa Pasa no Mi: Element of paper. (Video Game)

TriviaEdit href= Edit

* True to the rarity of the class, the Logia has by far the lowest known amount of users, including the unnamed ones (i.e. Akainu's magma-based fruit and Caribou's unnamed one). To go along with this idea, most shown Logia fruits seem to belong to incredibly powerful organizations (Marines, Whitebeard Pirates, Shichibukai and the God of Skypiea); the exception to this lies in Caribou, who is not in any of these organizations.
* The only female known to have consumed a Logia Devil Fruit is the non-canonical Honey Queen.
* The three non-canon Logia fruits are all of peculiar elements and seem inferior to a typical Logia, as they are seemingly unable to produce mass-destructive attacks.
* The word "Logia" is a Greek word from New Testament scholarship that translates roughly as "sayings, utterances, oracles". It is surmised that, given the kanji, this type of Devil Fruit is meant to represent an element of nature "speaking" with force; always with a destructive capacity.

From : http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Logia/
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Tipe-Tipe Buah Setan Tipe Paramecia (One Piece)

Paramecia (超人系 [パラミシア], Chōjinkei [Paramishia], literally translated as Superhuman System) is a type of Devil Fruit. These fruits give the users a "super-human" power which can affect their body, manipulate the environment or produce some kind of substances. In general, Paramecia Devil Fruits are fruits that give their users powers other than transforming into elements like Logias, or transforming into animals like Zoans. Though they don't include powers that allow elemental or animal transformations, some of them however, are capable of other forms of transformations. In the edited dub, this class is called Paramythia.

* 1 Strengths
* 2 Weakness
* 3 Other information
* 4 List of Known Paramecia Fruits
o 4.1 Filler
o 4.2 SBS


The Paramecia fruits grant users an ability that can be classified only as 'Superhuman'. The Paramecia fruits also contain the greatest variation of powers evident so far in the One Piece story. These can be exploited and manipulated in a variety of ways, though the extent of useful attacks or strategies can depend greatly on the user themselves. Some people may encounter inspiration for a new attack after using a particular set of attacks for years, while others will never learn how to completely harness their skills.

The Paramecia type is the only group containing powers or special traits that may be considered 'useless' to the user, granting little or no real advantage whatsoever. Paramecia types are also considered the easiest to battle, since they can be predictable and often display their full abilities within a very short period of time (as noted by Enel). However, some paramecia fruits are shown to have a great versatility and display a big array of uses, maybe being exceptions to the rule. An example of this is the Doku Doku no Mi.

Although other Devil Fruit types may also lead to the user being considered a "freak", none are more noted for this than the Paramecia group. This is due to some of the abilities granted by Paramecia fruits being considered far too strange or frightening for normal people to accept.
Other information

Paramecia are the most common type of Devil Fruit. They come in a variety of forms which can be divided into several subcategories.

With such a broad range of available powers, it is difficult to generalize the abilities offered by Paramecia fruits. However, it appears that the effects of this Devil Fruit type can be categorized into two basic groups: those which are based on a characteristic (such as elasticity or slowness) or an object (Bombs, doors, etc.) Paramecia types are also distinguishable in the manner in which their powers manifest. They can either alter the user's current physical state (Luffy and Bon Kurei), directly affect their immediate environment and/or living things within proximity (Eustass Kid, Blueno or Whitebeard), or affect both of these conditions (Jewelry Bonney and Emporio Ivankov).

How to trigger the fruit’s power can also differ from user to user. For instance, Gomu Gomu no Mi and Yomi Yomi no Mi have powers that are active at all times, while others such as the Noro Noro no Mi and Hana Hana no Mi require self-activation.

There are also many types of Paramecia that could be easily mistaken as Logia, either due to the user's ability to release near-limitless amounts of a particular substance (or energy) in relation to the power their fruit gives (Mr. 3, Kalifa, Musshuru, and Magellan); or that they are able to mimic the properties of certain existing matter (Mr. 1, and Jozu). These types of Paramecia are not to be confused as Logia, though, since the users of the former category cannot convert themselves into their respective substance, nor do those particular substances count as actual elements, and neither can those from the latter sort are able to generate the same aspect from their bodies that they are capable of transforming into.
List of Known Paramecia Fruits

* Gomu Gomu no Mi (English versions: Gum-Gum Fruit): Gives the user a body made of rubber and immunity to electricity and also allows them to hit Electric Logia fruit users. Also gives near-immunity to blunt attacks and weaponry.
* Bara Bara no Mi (English versions: Chop-Chop Fruit): Allows the user to split their body into separate parts. Also gives immunity to slashing attacks.
* Sube Sube no Mi (English versions: Slip-Slip Fruit/Smooth-Smooth Fruit): Makes user slippery. In Alvida's case, the fruit caused extreme weight-loss and a change in her complexion.
* Kilo Kilo no Mi (English versions: Kilo-Kilo Fruit): Allows the user to change their body mass, but without changing their body size.
* Bomu Bomu no Mi (English versions: Bomb-Bomb Fruit/Boom-Boom Fruit): Turns the user's body and secretions into bombs.
* Hana Hana no Mi (English versions: Hana-Hana Fruit/Flower-Flower Fruit): Allows the user to grow extra limbs on any surfaces, including his/her own body.
* Doru Doru no Mi (English versions: Wax-Wax Fruit): Allows the user to create and manipulate wax. Easily mistaken as a Logia.
* Baku Baku no Mi (English versions: Munch-Munch Fruit): Allows the user to eat anything and merge with it.
* Mane Mane no Mi (English versions: Clone-Clone Fruit): Allows the user to physically transform into another sentient being.
* Toge Toge no Mi (English versions: Spike-Spike Fruit): Allows the user to grow spikes from their body.
* Supa Supa no Mi (English versions: Dice-Dice Fruit): Allows the user to transform any body part into a blade, thus gaining the hardness of metal and slashing abilities.
* Ori Ori no Mi (English versions: Cage-Cage Fruit/Bind-Bind Fruit): Allows the user to place shackles on opponents with a mere touch.
* Bane Bane no Mi (English versions: Spring-Spring Fruit/Boing-Boing Fruit): Allows the user to turn his limbs into springs.
* Noro Noro no Mi (English versions: Slow-Slow Fruit): Allows the user to slow objects and people for 30 seconds with a special beam.
* Doa Doa no Mi (English versions: Door-Door Fruit): Allows the user to create doors/portals anywhere, including walls, living beings, and the air.
* Awa Awa no Mi (English versions: Bubble-Bubble Fruit): Allows the user to create and control soap bubbles. These bubbles can clean anything, including strength. Easily mistaken as a Logia.
* Beri Beri no Mi (English versions: Berry-Berry Fruit): Allows the user to split their body into many berry shaped balls.
* Sabi Sabi no Mi (English versions: Rust-Rust Fruit): Allows the user to rust metal.
* Shari Shari no Mi (English versions: Wheel-Wheel Fruit): Allows the user to turn limbs into wheels.
* Yomi Yomi no Mi (English versions: Revive-Revive Fruit): Grants the user a second life. However, once the user has been brought back from death, their power becomes inactive and they are merely left with their inability to swim.
* Kage Kage no Mi (English versions: Shadow-Shadow Fruit): Allows the user to manifest and control shadows in various ways.
* Horo Horo no Mi (English versions: Hollow-Hollow Fruit): Allows the user to create and control ghosts with purposes going from depressing and/or explosive attacks to information gather.
* Suke Suke no Mi (English versions: Clear-Clear Fruit): Allows the user to become invisible, and turn whatever they touch invisible, including people. For example, Absalom kept rocket launchers hidden invisibly in his sleeves, making it seem as though he is shooting bullets from his hands.
* Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (English versions: Paw-Paw Fruit): Allows the user to repel anything they touch, including physical feelings (such as pain and fatigue).
* Mero Mero no Mi (English versions: Love-Love Fruit): Allows the user to turn others to stone. Only works if the victim is not in control of their emotions (usually those of lust or love).
* Doku Doku no Mi (English versions: Venom-Venom Fruit): Allows user to create and manipulate different kinds of poison. Easily mistaken as a Logia.
* Horu Horu no Mi (English versions: Horm-Horm Fruit): Allows user to inject different hormones into its own body as well as others' bodies.
* Choki Choki no Mi (English versions: Snip-Snip Fruit): Allows user to transform parts of their body into scissors. Anything cut by these scissors briefly gains the properties of paper.
* Gura Gura no Mi (English versions: Tremor-Tremor Fruit): Allows user to cause shock waves by shattering the air, through which the user can create earthquakes and tsunamis.
* Fuwa Fuwa no Mi: Allows the user to fly and to levitate non-living things.
* Whoshu Whoshu no Mi: Allows the user to literally wash and fold a person, as if they were laundry on a clothes-line.


* Goe Goe no Mi: Allows the user to create powerful sound waves by shouting. (Movie 1)
* Kama Kama no Mi (English dub: Sickle-Sickle Fruit): Allows user to manipulate air into sharp projectiles. (Warship Island arc)
* Hiso Hiso no Mi (English dub: Whisper-Whisper Fruit): Allows user to communicate with animals by hearing its thoughts. (Warship Island arc)
* Kachi Kachi no Mi: Allows the user to harden their body and raise body temperature. (Movie 2)
* Nemu Nemu no Mi: Allows the user to induce sleepiness. (Ocean's Dream Arc, Game Only)
* Atsu Atsu no Mi: Allows the user to manipulate heat. Easily mistake as a Logia. (Ice Hunter Arc)
* Mini Mini no Mi: Allows the user to change body size. (One Piece Round the Land)
* Noko Noko no Mi: Allows user to create and control poisonous spores. Easily mistaken as a Logia. (Movie 9)
* Ami Ami no Mi (English versions: Net-Net Fruit): Allows the user to swallow anything and turn the material and himself into a net. (Little East Blue Arc)

From : http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Paramecia/
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Rabu, 03 November 2010

Cheat di Dragon-Cross.blogspot.com !!!

Setelah posting postingan copas (copy paste),jadi pengen posting ala gue sendiri nih...
Mungkin ni postingan g terlalu penting-penting amat ya...
tapi coba deh,di praktikin...
pasti keren...
coba kalian tulis huruf "J,A,L,U,F,F,Y"..
something yang beda ? (hasyah,lebay)
ni cheat aku dapet dari infotentangblog.blogspot.com
silahkan mencoba...^^ Read More

Selasa, 02 November 2010

Tipe-Tipe Buah Setan Tipe Zoan (One Piece)

Zoan (動物系 [ゾオン], Dōbutsukei [Zōn], literally translated as Animal System) is a type of Devil Fruit. This type of fruit allows the user to transform into an animal and animal-human hybrid forms at will. Zoan types are especially effective in close combat.
Contents :
1 Effects
1.1 Inanimate Object Zoan
2 Strengths
3 Weaknesses
4 Sub-Categories
4.1 Carnivorous Zoan
4.2 Ancient Zoan
4.3 Awakened Zoan
4.4 Mythical Zoan
5 Other Information
6 List of Known Zoan Fruits

A Zoan fruit allows the user to transform into one other species. This type of fruit provides three forms: the user's natural form, a fully transformed type, and a hybrid form, combining both original and fruit-bestowed species into an odd form (usually in a bizarre way where the size is greatly exaggerated). The only known hybrid forms of human users shown so far that was not bipedal is the Hebi Hebi no Mi series (as snakes don't have legs). Another effect shown is that in many different known zoan users, when in a half-human half-animal hybrid, sometimes the user tends to get bigger than they originally are, even to giant proportions. Lately, it has been seen that some Zoan users can transform partially into his animal form: Marco transformed only his arms into phoenix's wings and Onigumo only sprouted spider arms and abdomen, those two maintaining his human form and appereance.
It is unknown what happens in most cases of eating a fruit bestowing the powers of the same species who ate it, but it was stated in in the SBS that a human who eats the Hito Hito no Mi would become "enlightened".

Inanimate Object Zoan
Inanimate objects have been shown to be able to "eat" Devil Fruits. So far only Zoan type inanimate objects have been shown. Objects that eat a Zoan Fruit gain the mobility and intelligence of the animal they turn into. This can be a drawback as the object can also feel pain as being susceptible to diseases. In the animal form, they can be intimidated, as seen when Franky threatened Funkfreed. The technique used to make objects "eat" a fruit was developed by Professor Vegapunk. This has only been used on weapons so far, to increase their destructive power. Inanimate object Zoans also seem to be very loyal to whoever owns them.

The Zoan fruits mainly improves physical abilities and allows the user to use his or her three forms to adapt to a situation during a fight to find the form that gives the biggest advantage.
Zoan powers are usually utilized for their hybrid form, as this form usually (seen thus far) enhances the physical statistics of the user by combining positive attributes from both the user and the physical-level equivalent of the Zoan species. Having this advantage being based on the user's strength, though minimal on normal humans, proves to be an excellent physical enhancement for people of superhuman levels. Zoan fruits are thus favored among already superhuman users who prefer to enhance their physical abilities for the use of martial arts. This as well as creating new fighting styles, most noticeably Onigumo's Hachitōryū thanks to his six spider arms.

In their hybrid form, Zoan users experience enhanced senses, as this form uses a combination of both user and fruit abilities. Skilled Zoan users are also capable of using their powers to shape-shift out of harm's way; this is particularly useful, especially when the Zoan's body has been restrained, as Chopper demonstrated so many times (such as Chopper switching from heavy point to the smaller brain point to dodge a strike).

This type can be applied to weapons and other objects, giving life to that which is lifeless.

This fruit type is also useful for applying to objects such as guns or swords, giving an otherwise inanimate object life and increasing its value to the owner of the item. The method of application is however, as of yet, unknown.
Zoan could be considered amongst the least impressive type of Devil Fruits, as they primarily rely on brute force and some are very weak (e.g. the Inu Inu no Mi Dachshund model). However, rare Zoans such as those labeled "Mythical" or "Ancient" may display some attributes of Paramecia and/or Logia classes to generate rare and incredible powers combined in one person; the phoenix's rare ability to instantly regenerate from any wound makes it virtually equivalent to Logia users in damage tolerance.

Physical powers granted are limited to just the capabilities of the proportionate physical equivalent of the animal they are able to transform into. In hybrid form, these strengths of both species may be combined, but again seems to be just a mixture of both forms.
Furthermore, inanimate objects animated to life through the use of Zoan fruits become living creatures that need to be fed and groomed. Also, these once-inanimate objects gain their own free will and basic life's weaknesses, such as Funkfreed being threatened by Franky and Lassou contracting a cold.

Among the Zoan Devil Fruits and users, some of them can be categorized together into common types with common traits depending on what type of animal they turn into.

Carnivorous Zoan
As stated by Tony Tony Chopper, animals of the Carnivorous Zoan (肉食の動物系, Nikushoku no Zōn-kei) are more predatory and bloodthirsty than others by nature and as carnivorous species tend to be better adapted for combat. Users that turn into such animals are naturally more dangerous and powerful in physical combat, and may have useful features such as claws to aid in a fight. One of the most extreme examples of such a Zoan user is Rob Lucci, who went as far as to maul his opponent in full-leopard form.

Ancient Zoan
As stated by Scratchmen Apoo, the Ancient Zoan (「動物系」古代種, Zōn-kei Kodaishu) is apparently a much rarer type of Zoan Devil Fruit which allows the users to transform into ancient and extinct animals, such as prehistoric reptiles like the dinosaurs. The only Ancient Zoan that has been shown so far is wielded by X. Drake, allowing him to transform into a carnivorous dinosaur.

Awakened Zoan
As explained by Crocodile, the Awakened Zoan (覚醒した「動物系」, Kakusei Shita Zōn-kei) are users who have by unknown means attained the ability to be stronger, faster and tougher than what the Zoan Devil Fruits' abilities bestow normally. This also includes faster recovery time, which functions involuntarily even when the user is unconscious. So far, all awakened Zoan fruit users have shown no signs of complex thoughts, seeming to act out on instinct and power. They are always in an animal form and yet they are somehow able to stand erect and to hold weapons. The four Demon Guards are all classified as such users.[4]

Mythical Zoan
Mythical Zoan (「動物系」幻獣種, Zōn-kei Genjūshu) fruits are an exceptionally rare type of Zoan Devil Fruit and is said to be even rarer than Logia Devil Fruits. They allow users to transform into mythological creatures (which may have special abilities that are comparable to Paramecia and Logia Devil Fruits), the sorts of which could be regarded as the subject of legends and the like. The only one shown so far belongs to Whitebeard's 1st division captain, Marco the Phoenix.

Other Information
While most Zoan users can only use the three forms, the Straw Hat Pirate's doctor Tony Tony Chopper can utilize more forms for a given amount of time with the aid of the "Rumble Ball", which he developed. It's unknown if other Zoan users can also be affected by the Rumble Ball since so far only Chopper has eaten it. However, consecutively eating two or three under six hours can cause disastrous results, as the tampering with a Devil Fruit's powers is not something meant to be done.
Another research done on the Zoan-class Devil Fruit, by Dr. Vegapunk, is to apply the fruit into an inanimate object. This gives the said object new life, and is usually administrated into weapons, creating mobile weapons with their own minds. Only Lassou, Funkfreed, and a flail used by a Whitebeard Pirates' commander have been seen going through this phenomenon.

A majority of the Zoan Devil fruits also come in different "models" that result in variations of the animal. For example, the Inu Inu (Dog) Fruit has Jackal, Dachshund, and Wolf models, the Ushi Ushi (Bull or Cow) Fruit has Bison and Giraffe models, and the Hebi Hebi (snake) has Anaconda and King Cobra models.

List of Known Zoan Fruits :

Inu Inu no Mi (Dog) series:
Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Jackal (English versions: Mutt-Mutt Fruit: Jackal Strike/Dog-Dog Fruit: Model Jackal/Mutt-Mutt Fruit: Jackal Mode)
Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Dachshund (English versions: Mutt-Mutt Fruit/Mutt-Mutt Fruit, Dachshund Type/ Mutt-Mutt Fruit, Dachshund Variety)
Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Wolf (English versions: Mutt-Mutt Fruit Wolf Model)

Ushi Ushi no Mi (Cow) series:
Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Bison (English versions: Ox-Ox Fruit/Ox-Ox Fruit, Bison Model/Ox-Ox Fruit, Bison Form)
Ushi Ushi no Mi, Model: Giraffe (English versions: Ox-Ox Fruit, Giraffe Model)

Neko Neko no Mi (Cat) series:
Neko Neko no Mi, Model: Leopard (English versions: Cat-Cat Fruit: Model Leopard)

Tori Tori no Mi (Bird) series:
Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Falcon (English versions: Tweet-Tweet Fruit/Tweet-Tweet Fruit, Falcon Type/Bird-Bird Fruit, Model: The Falcon)

Hebi Hebi no Mi (Snake) series:
Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: Anaconda (English versions: Snake-Snake Fruit: Model Anaconda)
Hebi Hebi no Mi, Model: King Cobra (English versions: Snake-Snake Fruit: Model King Cobra)

Single model series:
Hito Hito no Mi (English versions: Human-Human Fruit)
Mogu Mogu no Mi (English versions: Diggy-Diggy Fruit/Mole-Mole Fruit)
Uma Uma no Mi (English versions: Horse-Horse Fruit)
Zou Zou no Mi (English versions: Elephant-Elephant Fruit)

From : http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Zoan/
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Cheat Zoo Tycoon 2 - Marine Mania

Zoo Tycoon 2 - Marine Mania

Unlock Bonus Items:

Complete the following to unlock special marine items:

Seahorse Bouncy Ride - Receive $20,000 in donations for marine animals
Show Fence - Create a 3-star marine show
Big-Screen TV - Complete 2 Marine Shows Challenges
Blue Whale Hall - Complete the Marine Animals Campaigns
Dolphin Arch - Receive $5,000 in donations for marine animals
Tank Light - Create a 1-star marine show
Marine Training Statue - Receive 100 perfect 100% training scores
Marine Zoo Gate & Fence - Receive $200,000 in donations for marine animals
Marine Fountain - Receive $100,000 in donations for marine animals
Marine Tank Wall - Create a 5-star marine show
Read More

Cheat Zoo Tycoon 2 - Extinct Animals

Zoo Tycoon 2 - Extinct Animals

Cheat Codes:

Release all extinct animals into the wild to unlock the Quagga.

Lab accident animals:
Get an animal creation mini-game score lower than 50\% to unlock
one of the following animals:

- Giant Bullfrog
- Giant Monarch Butterfly
- Killer Penguin
- Red Squirrel
- Springhare

Note: Except for the Killer Penguin, all of these animals are just
selectable ambients.

Mysterious kangaroo:
Place a male and a female Veloceraptor, the desert ones, and wait until they
mate and the female is pregnant. She will start building a nest. You will be
informed when the nest is being built in the top information bar. Click on the
female Veloceraptor. Click on its picture to track it. When it is done building
its nest it will lay an egg. Just when it lays the egg, somewhere in its exhibit
a baby kangaroo will slowly rise up from the ground and eventually disappear.
This can happen even if you do not have any kangaroos. However this glitch does
not always work; just every once in a while when the Velociraptor lays eggs.

Easter Egg - Killer peguin:
You go to the research lab and get tons of bad combos 10% to 50% and you can get
diffrent things but an egg will be the killer peguin. You can olso download at zoo
tycoon volcano hacks and download killer peguin to get them in the animals list
with any biome and any space.

Caveman Frozen Alive:
Sometimes when you buy a glacier, with a bit of luck, there will be a caveman
inside. Once some of it melts and the caveman comes out, he will act like any
other guest at the zoo. He will also leave like any other guest at the zoo. And
if you delete the glacier the caveman will dissapear aswell.

Zookeeper Mode Speeds:
Click the left mouse button down to go slightly faster, then up on the keybord
to run, and finally hold shift to sprint.

"Crouch" Position in Photo Mode:
When in photo mode, press x and it will take you down into a "crouch" position
to give you an awesome view for pictures. You have to keep X held down when your
taking the picture though.

World Terror:
At the freeform, challenge, or campaign menu of the game, spin the globe several
times quickly and you'll begin to hear screaming. Stop spinning it and they'll
continue to scream until it stops. Congrats, you have officially scared man kind.

Accidents, %49 or lower fossils:
When you create fossils, and you get under %50. You create an accidental animal.
These are basically like the squirrels or rodents you find scurrying around the
map. But you can place them around like any other object.

1.Giant Bullfrog
3.Giant Monarch Butterfly
4.Red Squirrel
5.Killer Penguin.

Super Dino:

once you cured one of your diseased animals buy a lab click on it and click the find
fossils you will see an X mark on your right actually you cant brightly see it so its
at the middle right after you click ityou will have a fossil detector but sometimes you
got the wrong when your finding fossils and the fossil detector also can be upgraded by
digging upgrades or by making more fame for the zoo once you got all the fossil go back
to the lab and click the build fossil there you will build the fossil and put it back
together once you put it back click the build extinct animal then you will see keyboard
keys press them once the green line is touching them once you got it all right your score
is 100% then you will have a super dino.


getting the giant bullfrog on demo and owned games:
bye a extinct resaerch lab find dodo or any kind of animal fossiles do reaserch a type 1
write key and let the rest go bye itself if ure lucky u will get a zebra looking thing.
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Cheat Zoo Tycoon 2 - Endangered Species

Zoo Tycoon 2 - Endangered Species

Zookeeper walking with binoculars:

First, make a Staff Center and wait for a zookeeper to climb up to the top.
They will have a pair of binoculars. Grab the zookeeper and put him or her
down on the ground. They will walk around with a pair of binoculars.

Unlock Bonus Items:
Complete the following to unlock special marine items:

Decorative Zoo Wall Columns - Adopt 20 different endangered
Decorative Zoo Wall Caps - Release 10 different endangered
Decorated Jeep Vehicles - Receive $250,000 in tour donations
Decorated Jeep Vehicle Gate - Complete the Transportation Campaigns
2-Seat Sky Tram Carts - Have 100 guests in total take a tour
4-Seat Sky Tram Carts - Have 500 guests in total take a tour
Animal Babies Statue - Breed 10 different endangered
Cat Climber - Complete the Photo Safari Campaigns
Conservation Breeding Center - Complete the Endangered Species Campaigns
Jeep Commanders - Receive $25,000 in tour donations
Photo Kiosk - Complete 4 different Endangered Species
Photo Challenges.
Upgraded Sky Tram Carts - Have 1,000 guests in total take a tour
Sky Tower - Create a 5-star Jeep Vehicle Tour & a 5-star
Sky Tram Tour


Ok, you have to have zoo tycoon 2 endangered spieces to do this. If you take
like a zebra, and elephant, or a african wild dog, well take the wild dog for
example you make it changhe colors if you take like one and you keep on placing
them in the exibit they will be different colors and to give away the ones you
dont want just sell them or bring them to the wild...


Ok do this you must have zoo tycoon 2 endangered species. you can make the animals
changed different collors or ptterns. the only ones that i know so far are the
african elephants, african wild dogs, and the zebrs. take the zebras for example
you keep on putting them in an exibit and their stripes will change every now and
then so you can know whichs ones your male and your female. it makes perfect since.
and just get rid of the ones you donnt want...hope you enjoy!

Deep Water:

Zoo Tycoon 2 and all expansion packs of it

Use the cliff creator to make a cliff. add deep water on top of the cliff. Now,
in the deep water, use the ditch creator. Volla! Deepest swimming pool ever!
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Cheat Empire Earth 3

Empire Earth 3

Cheat codes:
1. Start game.
2. While ingame, not on the world map, hit ENTER to access the console.
3. You can now use the following codes, has to be case insensitive:

Code Result
icheat - Cheats Enabled
idontcheat - Cheats Disabled
loot - All Resources increased by 10,000
taxes - Resources decreased by 100
punish - Selected unit damaged by 20 points
convert - Selected unit converted to your side
recharge me - Selected unit recharged to 100% power
win - Win the scenario
toggle fog - Toggle fog of war ON/OFF
sea monkeys - Toggle instant build
era up - Advance an epoch without meeting any of the requirements
max pop - Toggle max pop capacity
give tech - Tech points increased by 50
play god - Toggle God Mode
super cheat - Coffers overflowed, instant build enabled, pop cap maxed
reinforcements - Additional 100 troops
cheat cheathor - Opposite of super cheat code
cheatonite - Disable super cheat code
idontcheat - Disable all active codes

New unit for each faction:
When installing the game, enter FQQA-8WQT-EWGF as a bonus
code to gain access to a new unit for each faction.

Display version number:
Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + V during game play.

Display frame rate:
Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + F during game play.
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Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Cheat Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare

Cheat Codes:

Enable the console by using the "Option" menu. Then, press ~ to display
the console window. Enter seta thereisacow "1337" as a console command.

Then, press ~ to display the console window again and enter one of the
following codes to activate the cheat function.
Note: Open the cfg file with a text editor and change the
"seta monkeytoy" value from "1" to "0" if needed.

Result Code
All weapons - give all
God mode - god
God mode but screen still shakes - demigod
No clipping mode - noclip
Flight mode - ufo
Enemies ignore you - notarget
Full ammunition - give ammo
Spawn indicated item - give [item name]
Set gravity; default is "39" - jump_height [number]
Set speed; default is "1.00" - timescale [number]
Add laser sight to all weapons - cg_LaserForceOn 1
Remove gun graphics - cg_drawGun
Zoom with any gun - cg_fov
Better vision - r_fullbright
Give RPG - give rpg
Give G3 - give g3
Give MP5 - give mp5
Give DRAGUNOV - give dragunov
Give BERETTA - give beretta
Remove all your guns and health - take all
Remove your ammo - take ammo
Draw light emitted from laser - cg_laserlight 1
Suicide - kill
Shoot without reloading - sf_use_ignoreammo 1
give unlimited ammo - player_sustainammo 1

Item names:
Use one of the following entries with the "give" code.

Effect Code
Brickblaster - brick_blaster_mp
Helicopter - helicopter_mp
Airstrike - airstrike_mp
C4 - C4_mp

Easy Intel:
The following works on the mission entitled "Hunted". After fighting your
way through a basement (after going underneath a bridge, across a field,
et cetera), you'll reemerge outside. A nearby house next to a vending
machine and a car should be your target from here. Inside the house,
there's a laptop on the table. This is a piece of Intel, and collecting
all thirty of them in the game will unlock all of the Cheat options available.
If you collect the Laptop, and then head through the nearby checkpoint, it
will be permanently acquired on your save file. Kill yourself at this point
(a Grenade is an easy way to do so), and backtrack to the house. Collect
the Laptop again, go to the checkpoint, kill yourself, and repeat the
process. By doing this, you can collect thirty laptops without actually
collecting all thirty of them.

Prestige Mode:
To unlock Prestige Mode, which is a multiplayer-only mode, you must reach
experience level fifty-five. Instead of capping out at level fifty-five,
which is the highest level, Prestige Mode allows you to start again from
level one. This can be done a total of ten times, giving you ten different
icons in in-game lobbies to show your extreme achievement.

Unlockable: Arcade Mode:
To unlock Arcade Mode, beat the game once through on any difficulty level.
Arcade Mode itself is split into two options - Full Challenge or Level
Challenge - that add extra replayability to the game.

Unlockable: New Mission
To play an all-new mission, which is an extra mission after the main quest
is completed, beat the game and view the ending credits thereafter. After
they've run their course, you will then be given the opportunity to play
one last single player mission before all is said and done.

Cheat mode:
Successfully complete the game. A "Cheat" option will now appear during
game play at the "Options" menu.

Cheat options:
Collect the Intel Pieces (enemy laptop computers) hidden throughout the
game to unlock the cheat options. The number of pieces you have determines
which specific cheats are available.

CoD Noir - 2 Intel Pieces. Allows black and white graphics.
Photo-Negative - 4 Intel Pieces. Inverts the colors.
Super Contrast - 6 Intel Pieces. Increases the contrast.
Ragtime Warfare - 8 Intel Pieces. Silent movie mode.
Cluster Bombs - 10 Intel Pieces. Frag grenades are more powerful.
A Bad Year - 15 Intel Pieces. Enemies explode into tires when shot.
Slow-Mo Ability - 20 Intel Pieces. Slow motion game play.
Infinite Ammo - 30 Intel Pieces.

Intel Pieces:
Below is the level distribution list for Intel Pieces, which are enemy
laptops full of information strewn throughout the game. There are thirty
of them total. The left column is the level in question, while the right
column is how many Intel Pieces can be found on that level.
Levels with no Intel Pieces are excluded completely.

Level 2 - 2
Level 4 - 2
Level 5 - 3
Level 6 - 2
Level 7 - 2
Level 9 - 3
Level 10 - 2
Level 12 - 2
Level 13 - 3
Level 14 - 2
Level 16 - 2
Level 17 - 1
Level 18 - 2
Level 19 - 2

Various Codes:
Cheats are unlocked not by inserting passwords, but by acquiring the thirty
Intel Pieces strewn throughout the game. The more of them you collect, the
more cheats you can access. On the left are the number of Intel Pieces
collected, and on the right are the cheats that are unlocked,
with an explanation of what each does.

2 - "CoD Noir" Play the game in black and white.
4 - "Photo-Negative" Game colors become inverted.
6 - "Super Contrast" Game's contrast increases.
8 - "Ragtime Warfare" The game feels like an old silent movie.
10 - "Cluster Bombs" One frag grenade thrown equals five in explosion.
15 - "A Bad Year" Enemies explode into tires when shot.
20 - "Slow-Mo Ability" Game plays at 40% normal speed.
30 - "Infinite Ammo" Just what it says.

Epilogue Mission:
Sit and look through all the credits at the end of the game, and you'll
unlock one more mission.

Mile High Club mission:
Complete Story mode under any difficulty.

Multiplayer Challenges:
Simply ranking up is enough to unlock the ordinary perks, but weapon
modifications like laser sights, grenade launcher attachments and silencers
are unlocked with specific challenges. Luckily these are pretty
straightforward: want a sight for your M16? Get 50 kills with your M16.
And better still, unlocking these gives you a bucket-load of XP towards
your next promotion.

Crew Expendable: Desert Eagle:
In the second large containment room, run ahead of your team. There are
two enemies with Desert Eagles who will try to surprise you around two
corners, depending on the path you take.

Game Over: SSgt. Griggs's "Success!" comment:
Killing all three RPG enemies in the pursuing trucks in Game Over
results in SSgt. Griggs saying "Success!"

Multi-player: Headshots:
When you kill another player with a headshot, a metal "ping" sound
will play to confirm it.

Faster experience:
To level up quicker than usual, try to use the same gun until all the marksman
and elite challenges are completed. They provide huge boosts and will quickly
level you up to get new guns. However, do not use those guns yet. Just keep
on the challenge until it has completed. The third phase of the challenge
usually ends with 1,000 experience points and that will bump you up a rank
almost in itself. Also, do not forget about the strange challenges like
jumping 15 feet and surviving or falling 30 feet to your death. To get that
one if not previously unlocked play the "Countdown" map and jump into one of
the open missile silos. You will get instant experience points for simply dying.
Also, remember to go prone and crouch to get those challenges as well.

Better accuracy:
Once you get the Red Dot Scope addon to your weapons, use it over the ACOG scope.
The red dot will not enhance or take away anything and provides a better aimpoint
on most weapons. The ACOG scope will actually add more range to your weapon, but
take away accuracy which accomplishes almost nothing; especially so for snipers
because it takes away range and adds nothing.

If a target is moving make sure to lead it. If you are not making shots try to
lead your target more. Also, if you are a skilled sniper try using the M40A3 over
the M21. It has a slower reload time and rate of fire, but it has enough damage
to kill a target in one shot instead of two or three. It also allows you to be
less noticeable with less rounds being fired; so someone else cannot follow
the tracer shot back to you. A good setup for the sniper is the Claymore perk,
to alert you when an enemy is trying to close in on your rear, and either the
Sleight Of Hand or Stopping Power, then Iron Lungs to give you more time to
line up your shots.

Map names:
Use one of the following entries with the map or spdevmap codes.

coup (intermission sequence)
aftermath (intermission sequence)

New Mission:
To play an all-new mission, which is an extra mission after the main quest is
completed, beat the game and view the ending credits thereafter. After they've
run their course, you will then be given the opportunity to play one last single
player mission before all is said and done.

Golden weapons:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the golden weapon camouflage.

Golden Ak-47 - Complete all Assault Rifle challenges
Golden Desert Eagle - Reach level 55
Golden Dragonuv - Complete all Sniper challenges
Golden M1014 - Complete all Shotgun challenges
Golden M60 - Complete all LMG challenges
Golden Mini-Uzi - Complete all SMG challenges

Faster experience:
To level up, gain points, and to complete challenges easily, find a TDM game of
the map "Shipment", preferably with a lot of people. Make sure you have the
Steady Aim/Martyrdom/Stopping Power perks on and choose a gun you want to level
up. Shipment is a very small close shoulder-to-shoulder map. Just run around
holding down the trigger, taking down as many people as possible.
This is very fast paced and you should tick points very quickly.

Death From Above: Easy points:
In Arcade mode you can score easy points by shooting the building with the 105mm
or the 40mm. When the building is destroyed you will get 1,000 points.

One Shot, One Kill: Canine help:
When you are on the mission where you have to carry your captain (when you are in
the Ghillie Suits),you will find abandoned swimming pool with some rabid dogs at
the bottom. Do not kill them. Just run around the edge and do not fall in. When
you drop your captain off behind the Ferris wheel and both of you get into position,
there will be a patrol after you. When your captain tells you to open fire with your
sniper rifle, shoot anyone on the left side, closest to the building with the pool
in it. Everyone will hit the deck after one of their teammates dies. The dogs will
sense danger, jump out of the window, and start attacking the soldiers. This
is helpful as at least four or five of the soldiers die.
This also saves ammunition.

Dog attack in All Ghillied Up mission:
In the 'All Ghillied Up' mission, you will come across a wild dog eating a dead
soldier's remains. You will be told to leave it alone, but if you want a very
difficult challenge in the game, shoot it. You will be attacked by a large pack
of angry dogs.

Extra ammunition for R700 sniper in Multiplayer mode:
At level 38 in Multiplayer mode, you get the Overkill Perk Class 2 (located in the
Perk 2 or Red Perks). This allows you to carry two primary weapons rather than a
pistol. Some of the guns in online play can share ammunition. If you are a skilled
sniper and prefer the bolt action to a semi-auto sniper, you can share ammo between
the R700 (unlocked at level 34) and the G3 assault rifle (unlocked at level 25).
Instead of having 40 rounds, you will have 152 rounds for the sniper, effectively
giving you an endless supply of ammo for the R700. If you are a G3 user, you will
gain an extra 40 rounds (two clips). This works both ways; since you share ammunition,
you might not want to use too much ammo with the G3. Also, there are more combinations
than just this one; experiment with different guns to see which ones can share ammo.
When you reach level 46, you will get the M14 Assault Rifle. In the class that you
want to have the extra ammunition, you will need the M14 Assault Rifle and M21 Sniper
Rifle as weapons. To use those two weapons, you must have Overkill (obtained at level
38) and your second Perk on Overkill. For the other two Perks, you can have whatever

Good sniping location in Crossfire map in Multiplayer mode:
This spot can only be reached when you are playing the old school free-for-all section.
Go to the building at the very end of the map on the opposite side of the bus. You can
get to the very top of the building that is around the corner. First, get to the second
story where the chair is found. Get on the top of the chair facing the wall, and jump.
You may have to run and jump, but eventually you will catch an edge. You can then work
your way up to a great sniping position.

Dog attack in All Ghillied Up mission:
In the "All Ghillied Up" mission, you will come across a wild dog eating a dead soldier's
remains. You will be told to leave it alone, but if you want a very difficult challenge
in the game, shoot it. You will be attacked by a large pack of angry dogs.

How to Rank Up Quicker:
The memory address that contains the CoD4 XP has been located, and you can now modify
it, making leveling up a much faster and easier process. This means that you can easily
get the Commander Rank within a few hours of buying the game, and you can unlock all
perks and weapons.
The memory address needed is: CBF0E68 (Now believed to have been changed to CB1FE80)

You can use a tool such as Tsearch to edit the value of that address (your XP), so that
you'll only need one XP to get to the new CoD 4 rank.
Here's how: open Tsearch, start a new script, enter the memory address, then enter in
the XP you would like. Keep in mind - you'll want to back up your Call of Duty 4 profile
just in case something goes wrong - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
More details: if you just want to quickly go up a level, take your current XP from the
Rank screen in the multiplayer mode, then add the amount of XP you will need to go up a
level. You'll want to subtract one or two XP in order to make it easy to gain a level.
Then, go online and kill someone, or get an assist - BAM! - instant level up, and
possibly a new rank.
Overkill perk, here you come! Seriously, though, I tested this method, and found it much
more enjoyable to play through multiplayer the real way.

Helecopters easy takedown:
If you are playing with some really good people and they get helecopters alot then
bring out your nuke toob (grenade launcher) and shoot the helecopter with it. It's very
effective on the helecopters.

Unlock All Intel Automatically:
You can unlock all of the intel laptops automatically on the PC version of CoD4, but since
you'll need to mess with your game's files a little bit, you're doing so at your own risk.
Simply go to your player profile (it will look something like this:
C:\program files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\players\profiles\player\
and search for a file called config.cfg. Open the file by double-clicking it (or right-click
it and open it in Notepad) and search for "cheat_points", minus the quotes, via the CTRL+F
function. There will be a number next to cheat_points -- change it to "30" and all intel
laptops will be automatically unlocked!

Crossfire: Sniping location:
The online Crossfire map has a very good sniping location. The spot can only be reached
when you are playing the old school free 4 all section. The building at the very end of
the map on the opposite side of the bus. You can get to the very top of the building that
is around the corner. First, get to the second story where the chair is found. Get on the
top of the chair facing the wall and jump. You may have to run and jump, but eventually
you will catch an edge. You can then work your way up to the perfect sniping position.

Mile High Club: Airplane reference:
In the "Mile High Club" level, during the opening sequence when a hole is being cut to
drop into the plane, somebody says, "Surely you can't be serious". Captain Price then
says, "I'm serious, and don't call me Shirley". This is a line from the movie Airplane.

Multi-player: Extra ammunition:
At level 38 in Multi-player mode, you get the Overkill perk (located in the Perk 2 or red
perks). This allows you to carry two primary weapons rather than a pistol. Some of the guns
in online play can share ammunition. If you are a skilled sniper and prefer the bolt action
to a semi-auto sniper, you can share ammo between the R700 (unlocked at level 34) and the
G3 assault rifle (unlocked at level 25). Instead of having 40 rounds you will have 152
rounds for the sniper, effectively giving you an endless supply of ammo for the R700. If
you are a G3 user, you will gain an extra 40 rounds (two clips). This works both ways.
Because you share ammunition, you might not want to get too trigger happy with the G3.
Also, there are more than just this combination. Experiment with different guns to see
which can share ammo.
When you reach level 46 you will get the M14 assault rifle and you will have the M21 sniper.
In the class that you want to have the extra ammo you will need have the M21 and M14 as a
weapon. To have those two weapons you must have Overkill (obtained at level 38). You also
must have your second perk on Overkill. For the other two perks you can have whatever

Create an MP5 class. For your side arm, choose the M9. Because the MP5 and M9 share ammo
you will have 90 rounds of ammo instead of 60. This is a good trick if you prestiged and
have lost your Bandolier perk. When you reach level 32, enable Bandolier in this class
and you will get 270 rounds of ammo instead of 180.

Faster reloads:
Use the following trick if you are playing online or in Carrier mode. When your gun runs
out of ammo you usually have to re-load, then cock your weapon. Note: This does not include
RPGs, and rifle mounted grenade launchers. This trick makes it so you do not have to cock
your gun after re-loading. When you run out of ammo, let your character reload, then
quickly sprint forwards a short distance. Stop sprinting and return your gun to the firing
position. It will be ready to fire without re-cocking.

Special grenades:
Pros: Blinds target, deafens and slows.
Cons: Must be looking at grenade or in its direction to have any effect.

Pros: Deafens, slows and does a little damage to target even if detonated behind.
Cons: Target can still see where he or she is shooting.

Pros: Can temporarily provide cover for getaways, relocation and traps (for example,
throw a smoke grenade into a room and plant a claymore in the doorway, then throw a
grenade inside to flush him out).

Unlockable Multiplayer Weapons:
Assault Rifle - G3 - Reach Rank 25
Assault Rifle - G36C - Reach Rank 37
Assault Rifle - M14 - Reach Rank 46
Assault Rifle - M4 Carbine - Reach Rank 10
Assault Rifle - MP44 - Reach Rank 52
LMG - M60E4 - Reach Rank 19
Pistol - Desert Eagle - Reach Rank 43
Pistol - Golden Desert Eagle - Reach Rank 55
Pistol - M1911 - Reach Rank 16
Shotgun - M1014 - Reach Rank 31
SMG - AK-74U - Reach Rank 28
SMG - Mini Uzi - Reach Rank 13
SMG - P90 - Reach Rank 40
Sniper Rifle - Barret - Reach Rank 49
Sniper Rifle - Dragunov - Reach Rank 22
Sniper Rifle - M40 - Reach Rank 04
Sniper Rifle - R700 - Reach Rank 34

Multiplayer Challenges:
Simply ranking up is enough to unlock the ordinary perks, but weapon modifications
like laser sights, grenade launcher attachments and silencers are unlocked with specific
challenges. Luckily these are pretty straightforward: want a sight for your M16? Get 50
kills with your M16. And better still, unlocking these gives you a bucket-load of XP
towards your next promotion.

F.N.G.: Obstacle course:
When Gaz tells you to go to Captain Price, walk out of the building and move towards
the fence. Follow the fence. On the left are three men in a crouch. Walk past them
to find an obstacle course. You can run it for fun.

Backlot: Sniping locations:
On the Marines side of "Flag B" is sheet metal guarding the top of a building. Climb the
ladder to get to the top. To stand on the sheet metal itself, climb onto a ledge and
slowly go back and forth until you see the "Climb" option. Make your way to the ledge
besides the building overlooking the tiny enclosure. You will see a white radiator.
Jump into it. There are little knobs sticking out of the buildings that look like this.

Radiator>[l] l l l l < Knobs, ^Building Cautiously jump on each knob until you can jump onto a balcony. From here you can snipe 180 degrees from the destroyed building to the construction building. Creek: Sniping location: ------------------------ On the Marine/S.A.S side, for defensive sniping go into the barn. In one corner are some pallets (wooden boards). Climb them onto a ledge that goes around the barn. There are many gaps in the wall that you can snipe from. Note: Helicopters can see you. At the bottom of the hill, go across the creek. There is a rock with grass on it sheltered by two boulders. Wear a Ghilly suit and snipe from it. You can snipe the entire cliff ledge. Perk Up: -------- Your first perk slot is mostly reserved for extra explosives, or an attachment to one of your weapons like a silencer or red-dot sight. The standard soldier has one frag grenade and one flash, smoke or stun grenade. Tier one perks can give you three more of either, two charges of C4 or two RPG rockets. But unlocking those extra frags could take a while: they're not available until level 41. Perk: Eavesdrop Lets you listen in on what the enemy team is saying even when on they're on their private channel. Perk: Bandolier Allows you to carry more ammo. Perk: Stopping power By stopping, we mean killing. This perk pumps up the damage on all your firearms. Perk: Juggernaught Decreases damage taken, giving you extra time to close in on enemies and stab them for the kill. Perk: Sleight of Hand Reduces reloading time by half. Perk: Double-tap Unlocked at level 29 - weapon fires at twice the rate for a short time. Perk: Overkill Allows you to carry two primary weapons. Perk: Sonic Boom Increases damage of explosive weapons. Perk: Extreme Conditioning Increases length of sprints. Perk: Last Stand Continue firing after killed. Perk: Martyrdom Drop a grenade after killed. Perk: Steady Aim Increases accuracy of shooting when not looking through sights. Perk: Deep Impact Bullets penetrate deeper through cover. Perk: Iron Lungs Increases sprint length more than Extreme Conditioning. Perk: Dead Silence Obtained at level 44 - decreases sound when moving. Game Over: SSgt. Griggs's "Success!" comment: --------------------------------------------- Killing all three RPG enemies in the pursuing trucks in Game Over results in SSgt. Griggs saying "Success!". Cheat: ------ When in console mode if you begin typing a cheat, press tab to finish the command, then add the modifier to the end. EXAMPLE: to turn on cluster grenades you would type cluster [TAB] and it would type the rest of the cheat, then u hit [space] and add a 1 at the end to turn it on. Likewise for infinite ammo you would type ignoreammo [tab] 1 you can type different words into the large console (accessed by pressing shift ~) and toy around with modifying some of the console options to test their functions. Trainer problem: ---------------- This is a tip and warning for them who use trainer to play this game.There are some trainers which will crack the game files too much and cause some impossible and annoying things.Like when u are about to tak control of the nuclear missile control room,ur captain price and others will stop moving and it will prevent u from planting th c4 on the wall. Again in this mission when u,captain price and the other one are about to go up by a lift,u will fall down like a water drop and the lift eill go up leaveing u in a hole from where u can not get out. To solve this problem u have to disable the trainer for a short time. then u can again use it to play the game. Strange running: ---------------- In any multi-player match, online or offline, take out your pistol and sprint while looking up. Normally without looking up you will do normal arm motions. However, while looking up you will flail your arms in circles and lean backwards. To play an all-new mission: --------------------------- To play an all-new mission, which is an extra mission after the main quest is completed, beat the game and view the ending credits thereafter. After they've run their course, you will then be given the opportunity to play one last single player mission before all is said and done. Bigger Claymore boom: --------------------- Dont you hate it when you hear your claymore pop but the enemy has made it through hurt or unharmed. All you need for this hint is a in some comen sense. First you need a level with some at least 1 car that is no broken down. Go up to the car and place one claymore facing the car at a 45 degree angle and place it down. put the second claymore facing out where you want your victim to be make sure that you second claymore is facing your first. When the enemy will run past it the first one will blow triggering the second one to blow when the second one blows it blow up the car killing you enemy cluless. It kills anyone even if they don't get hurt by the claymore they will by the car.If you are more expericed you could use 1 claymore instead of 2. You place the claymore lasers sticking out of a the corner of the car. If it blows the car will, but it can only be placed at a corner. Their are plenty of combinations that you can do and i think that i unlocked the gate for you. The only way it wont work is if the enemy detects the claymore. The Sins Of The Father: Lewis and Clark reference: -------------------------------------------------- Before the ambush begins, look on top of the gas station roof. The men's names are Pvt. Lewis and Pvt. Clarke, a reference to the explorers. Multi-player: Unlimited ammunition: ----------------------------------- Go to split screen mode and select Free-For-All. Have one player choose the Marksman combo (includes the R700 rifle and M9 pistol). Have another player select the War Fighter combo (includes the G36C rifle and the G3 rifle). Have the player with the War Fighter combo kill the Marksman. Take out your G3 and trade it for the R700. If the person has shot a few rounds it will be refilled to the maximum. The R700 holds 32 bullets per round. If you shoot one clip, go back to the body and it will refilled again. Multi-player prestige medals: ----------------------------- Reach the indicated rank to unlock the corresponding prestige medal. Level 1: Gold shield with silver eagle. Level 2: Blue titanic diamond with star spikes. Level 3: Emerald in the middle with four lines with circles on the ends. Level 4: Black circle in the middle with white, gold, maroon, and tan edges. Level 5: Gold badge with one eye in the middle. Level 6: Gold eagle in the middle with six lines. Level 7: Thin cross with wings on the outside and a square gold lined sheet in the middle. Level 8: Red diamond in middle with a triangle shield on the outside with gold and white trim. Level 9: Maroon and black Star Of David. Level 10: Gold iron cross. Multi-player: Extra ammunition: ------------------------------- When you reach level 46 you will get the M14 assault rifle and you will have the M21 sniper. In the class that you want to have the extra ammo you will need have the M21 and M14 as a weapon. To have those two weapons you must have Overkill (obtained at level 38). You also must have your second perk on Overkill. For the other two perks you can have whatever desired. Keeping your sniper rifle steady: --------------------------------- Note: In Zombie mode, this will work without having to use the devmap code. Otherwise you must first enable the devmap <"map name"> code. Once in the map, enable the following codes:

player_breath_hold_lerp 50
player_breath_gasp_lerp 0
player_breath_hold_time 30

Zoom in with your scope, press [Shift] to steady, then release [Shift].
The scope will stay perfectly still.

Multi-player: Easy kill streak:
To get a seven kill streak, do not call in your helicopter immediately. Instead, go out on
a suicide mission and die. When you respawn, find a good hiding location and call in your
helicopter. Then, every kill your helicopter gets will add on to a kill streak. For example,
if your helicopter gets three kills you will get a UAV, 5 kills airstrike, 7 kills, another
helicopter. If you die at any time during this, then your helicopter will not count towards
a kill streak any more; it is important that you hide.

Vendetta - No scope reference:
In the first Russian mission, at the part where you must protect your friends below on the
streets with the sniper, after the first part you must move to another position with some
Nazis with dogs . If you manage to kill a Nazi or dog without using the scope on the sniper
(no-scope), Dimitri will say "No Scope!!? Good!!" in a very enthusiastic voice.
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